Lands for Sale Palomino | La Guajira 028

Lot Area: 620 mts

Lands for Sale Palomino La Guajira

Great business opportunity in real estate in this area of the Colombian Caribbean so visited and requested in recent years. This lot has 600 meters of total area, has public services of electricity and water and is a great possibility of investment for the construction of camping areas, glamping and lodging in Palomino.

Sale of land in Palomino Colombia

Palomino is located in the municipality of Dibulla part of the department of La Guajira and is only 2 meters above sea level. It is one of the five towns that form the municipality and is located in the vicinity of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. It limits to the north with the Caribbean Sea, and for this reason counts on beautiful and great beaches perfect for the tourists who look for to interact with the nature of responsible form in search of a place for rest and vacations.

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